With many court systems essentially having ground to a halt due to COVID-19, and others very slowly partially reopening, parties in civil litigations are facing long delays getting their dispute resolved in the reasonably near future. And, as the crisis abates a substantial logjam will need to be cleared, starting with criminal matters. Even private…

By George H. Friedman, ARS Chairman of the Board and SAA Editor-in-Chief and Richard P. Ryder, SAC Founder and President This blog post is adapted from one that ran in the Securities Arbitration Commentator blog on March 2, 2020. Republished here with thanks to SAC. The crashing capital markets in the wake of the worldwide Coronavirus…

This is adapted from a post originally published in the author’s blog at the Securities Arbitration Commentator. Reposted with permission of and thanks to SAC! About a  year ago, I authored a blog post, The New Year is Here: What’s in Store for Arbitration and the Financial Services Field. In the wake of the 2018…

Toward the end of last year, I authored a blog post, Consumer and Employment Arbitration: Six Things to look for in 2018. Below were my views on what was coming in 2018, and how these predictions have turned out as we hit the year’s end What are the results? As Larry David says, “Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.”

Toward the end of last year, I authored a blog post, Consumer and Employment Arbitration: Six Things to look for in 2018. Below were my views on what was coming in 2018, and how these predictions have turned out as we hit the year’s end What are the results? As Larry David says, “Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.”

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