FINRA Dispute Resolution Services (“DRS”) posted case statistics through March with the overall case filing decline unchanged from February, but with a major shift in the underlying details. In brief, the headlines are: 1) overall arbitration filings through the first quarter – 774 cases –  are down 18%, the same as in February; 2) customer claims are now up 6%; 3)…

Our lead Squib in SAA 2021-13 (Apr. 15) reported that margin debt in February grew to a record $814 billion – up dramatically from a year ago – and examined what this might portend for securities arbitration. It prompted a Letter to the Editor from SAA Editorial Board member William D.  Nelson, that we’ve opted…

Margin debt in February grew to $814 billion, up dramatically from a year ago. What this portends for arbitration remains to be seen. Several media outlets reported recently that investor margin debt as recorded by FINRA had grown to record highs. For example, the Wall Street Journal on April 7 reported in an article titled Investors Big and Small are Driving Stock Gains…

The Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) has released a Report concluding that the presence of predispute arbitration agreements (“PDAA”) has definitely impacted servicemembers in consumer and employment matters, but to what extent is not known at this time. The 29-page GAO-21-221, Servicemember Rights: Mandatory Arbitration Clauses Have Affected Some Employment and Consumer Claims but the Extent of…

FINRA Dispute Resolution Services (“DRS”) posted case statistics through February with key metrics starting the year still below 2020’s numbers, albeit improved over January. The Headlines In brief the headlines are: 1) overall arbitration filings through February – 484 cases – are down 18%; 2) customer claims are down 6%; 3) industry disputes are down…

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